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Oracle Jinitiator Free [UPDATED] Download For Windows 7 32 Bit – Wakelet
FRM Oracle-Jinitiator version too low. Please install version 1. Opening Oracle Forms Smart Center, e. Notify in any browser Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer on Windows produces an error indicating that the Jinitiator version is too low.
Java 7 is installed. As of Java 7 Update 6, Oracle made an internal change in the Java plugin that causes Oracle Forms Banner to not recognize that Java is correctly installed. Determine if your computer is x64 or x86 processor type. Windows XP. Windows 7. Right click My Computer and go to Properties. Click on System Properties to access the System Properties menu.
After the Java Control Panel opens, go to the Java tab and click the view button. Click the section labeled Runtime Parameters and paste the following value in the box everything exactly as typed to the right of the colon :-Djava. Now, you should be able to launch your favorite browser and run Oracle Forms without encountering the Jinitiator error message.
Note that updating Java may require you to go through these steps again. It will open the wrong version of the Java plugin. If this does not come up automatically in the search you can manually browse to it.
Oracle Jinitiator , Free Download by Oracle. Download the latest version from Software Informer. Scanned by 72 antivirus programs on Jun 6, Jinitiator Download. This page will allow you to download and install Oracle JInitiator. Click on the download link below and save the file named